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Ayahuasca Integration Therapy Las Vegas
Ayahuasca Integration Therapy Las Vegas
Shaman Las Vegas
Energy Healing Las Vegas
Ayahuasca Integration Ceremony Therapy Las Vegas

"A new world is only a new mind."​

William Carlos Williams


If you've come across​ this page, chance are: you're feeling called to work with one of the most powerful plant medicines on Earth.
Or, perhaps you've already returned from a life-changing sequence of ceremonies, and you're seeking guidance on how to close the yawning divide between the mystical reality you just experienced and the reality of your everyday life.
While it can be helpful to speak with your shaman or ceremony facilitator, that person may/may not have the counseling experience & un-bias belief system necessary to best guide you. On the other hand, a seasoned counselor or therapist without any plant medicine experience may find it difficult to hold space for or authentically understand the wild, profound, meaningful, internal adventures you had during your ceremonies. The ideal option, it seems, is to speak with someone who has both professional counseling skills and years of experience working with plant medicines. 

I've worked with an array of entheogens over the course of my life, including Ayahuasca, Wachuma, Peyote, Hapé, Psilocybin, Chiric Sanango, and Iboga - and I believe that when used for integral purposes, and with the proper guidance & care, plant medicines can be a blessing. However, the majority of focus on plant medicines is often relating to the ceremonies themselves, rather than the preparations beforehand and - most importantly - the integration afterwards. 

To fully heal, evolve, expand, understand, alchemize new energies, etc., you must put in the dedication & hard work after the ceremonies to make real, rooted changes. That post-ceremony bliss and ethereal clarity only last for so long, and when you begin to "land" back in the raw, messy world and feel the gap between the glorious realms you just encountered and the trenches of your everyday life, the solution is not to hurriedly sign up for your next retreat. Nor is it to cocoon yourself solely within your plant medicine community. Most likely, the solution is stay on the ground and begin the process of integration.
Of course this may not sound as enticing and majestic as an ayahuasca ceremony itself. But once you actually go through the process of integrating the lessons/visions/insights/healings you received during your ceremonies, your entire life will become more enticing, majestic, and profound than any medicine ceremony imaginable. And, ultimately, isn't that the goal?

I'm neither an advocate for or against plant medicines.
Just as I'm neither an advocate for or against any particular religion.
I'm an advocate for your personal evolution

When I was facing a scary health issue, my partner pointed out to me: a surgeon will see surgery as the solution. A nutritionist will see nutrition as the solution. A talk therapist will see conversations as the solution. An ayahuasquero will see plant medicines as the solution. A nature enthusiast will see immersion in nature as the solution. The list of specialists and remedies goes on. So which of these approaches is correct? That depends. It all depends on your unique physical, mental, and spiritual compositions, as well as where you are along your path, and what modality/modalities will offer the most direct, lasting, satisfying, safe road to your empowerment. When seeking anything in life - healing, awakening, inspiration, clarity - there isn't a "one size fits all" method to get you there. That's why it's beneficial to receive guidance from someone who has personal & professional experience with a multitude of modalities but is not attached to any of them. 

After working on and off with ayahuasca for over a decade, I feel embodied by her and no longer desire or require ingestion of that medicine to gather the guidance she brings. I access those same spaces and insights during regular, everyday meditations. And, I say this as humbly as possible and with full acknowledgment that I'm an imperfect human and ultimately don't hold certainties about anything, I feel as if the spirit of ayahuasca has set me free "as the medicine herself" to carry her powerful energy inside me, so that in my own little way I can be the medicine in the world.


There is a time to seek out-of-body experiences, cosmic/inter-dimensional exploration, lessons from past lives, communication with otherworldly beings, and deep dives into the innermost crevices of our minds, memories, and traumas. But there is also a time to stop the seeking and simply, deeply arrive.

Arrive in the present moment, on Earth, fully embodied, fully aware, and without the desire to be anything other than what you are in that given moment. As the beloved Ram Das always urged, "Be here now." Play here. Love here. Learn here. Heal here. Ground here. On Earth. In your body. Because - if after all your profound adventuring, you've truly expanded, evolved, and become a carrier of great power and light - your presence is much needed here.



To learn about the ayahuasca preparation and integration therapies I offer, continue past the photos.

Ayahuasca Integration Ceremony Therapy Las Vegas
Spiritual Therapist Las Vegas
Shamanic Counseling Healing Las Vegas
Ayahuasca Integration Ceremony Therapy Las Vegas
Ayahuasca Integration Therapy Las Vegas
Shamanic Counseling Las Vegas
Ayahuasca Integration Ceremony Therapy Las Vegas
Ayahuasca Integration Ceremony Therapy Las Vegas
Shamanic Healing Las Vegas

Preparatory sessions

Regardless of whether or not you make any internal or external preparations, if you ingest ayahuasca, you will have an experience.
And it will probably rock your world.

Having said that, not all "world-rocking" ayahuasca experiences are created equally, and while there are myriad factors about the ayahuasca experience that are not within your control (read: you must submit!) there are still many elements that you do have agency over, and being prepared will likely only make your plant medicine experience deeper, cleaner, more useful, less convoluted, and more physically comfortable.

Here are some of the ways I'll help you prepare you for your upcoming ceremonies:

Discussion of and preparation for a variety of "sets & settings" as well as ayahuasca ceremony etiquette, discussion of common differences between indigenous curanderos/pajés/medicine-carriers, vs. non-indigenous but trained (and gifted) healers, vs. non-indigenous un-trained facilitators, discussion of varieties of ayahuasca and of different traditions based on specific tribes, discussion of jungle visits, vs. retreat centers vs. less formal gatherings and private ceremonies, discussion of the influence of other participants on your experience, as well as safety and red flags

Understand the ayahuasca diet and the importance of your overall physical health prior to ceremonies (i.e. sleep, water, fitness), understand the medications that must be out of your system for months prior to ingesting ayahuasca, as well as the medicines that aren't dangerous but will interfere with ayahuasca, and finally, the effects of having used other plant medicines recently before your ayahuasca experience

Energetic and psychological preparation, setting clear intentions/prayers - and knowing how & when to navigate those intentions/prayers during ceremonies

Mental Fortitude & Protection
 Guidance on how to handle difficult ceremony experiences, how to get out of dark places, how to navigate the delicate balance between your own autonomy vs. submission to the medicine, guidance on how to protect yourself from other human energies in the ceremony space, as well as from non-human energies in the ceremony space (i.e. quickly tell the difference between benevolent, neutral, and non-benevolent energies, and know what to do about them)

Learn meditations, mantras, and specific breathwork practices that work with the medicine, receive insights on how to stay strong, clear, and powerful during your journey

Learn how to get back into your body during a ceremony, what to do if you've gone "too far" or drank "too much," what is helpful to do in the hours directly prior to and directly after a ceremony to avoid "getting lost"

Guidance on the aspects of your spiritual and psychological work that can/should be deepened prior to your ceremonies (i.e. it's important to complete as much deep work as possible beforehand so that when you sit with the medicine, she will take you even further during your places within yourself you had no idea were even there)

Integration sessions

What you do in the weeks, months, and years after your mystical/healing experiences determines whether or not those experiences will ground in your everyday life in lasting, meaningful ways. As mentioned prior: to fully heal, evolve, expand, understand, alchemize new energies, etc., you must put in the dedication & hard work after the ceremonies to make real, rooted changes.

Here are some of the ways I'll help you integrate after an ayahuasca ceremony:

Determine which narratives, encounters, visions, and insights from your ceremonies require further reflection & integration vs. which narratives, encounters, visions, and insights may have arrived through the filters of your ego, belief systems, or energetic chatter, discern between the most useful and not-so-useful information received, discern between genuine empowerments/downloads/guidance from higher beings vs. mind-influenced messages, desires, fears, or hidden memories

Energetic & Physical Grounding
Learn methods and meditations to maintain your expansiveness while also re-grounding yourself after a ceremony, discuss the foods, drinks, and substances that you should avoid post-ceremony vs. the ones that will help naturally and healthily ground you, guidance on how to maintain a high frequency while in lower frequency environments, guidance on how to root your revelations in new habits, goals, and measurable changes in your life, guidance on how to manage the intense flood of new energies you might now be carrying, as well as how to manage that energy in a way that does not alienate you from your Earthly existence
Closing the Gap
Guidance on how to "close the gap" between powerful, peak, mystical/healing experiences and your everyday life, learn how to authentically move toward an everyday life that is just as profound (and more profound!) than your ceremony experiences

Sharing with Loved Ones
Discuss who it's best to share your experiences with and why, as well as the importance of protecting yourself/your experiences from judgements, ignorance, criticism, and mis-interpretation, discuss ways to gently invite a partner or friend (who is unfamiliar with plant medicines) into a deeper understanding of your experiences as well as the importance they hold for you

Completion of Intentions + New "Homework"
Support in reflecting upon your pre-ceremony intentions and how they manifested during the ayahuasca experience, support in continuing the work to complete your intentions, as well as any new "assignments" prescribed during your medicine journey, guidance on how to best embody your ideal form as you move forward into your new post-ceremony life

Navigating the Sub-Culture
Discussion of any curiosities, issues, or un-certainties that came up in regards to the circle you sat with during your ayahuasca experience, discussion of trends vs. traditions in the plant medicine community, shifting legalities, cultural exploitation vs. voluntary dissemination, support in navigating any uncomfortable situations that arouse between you and other ceremony participants or between you and the medicine-facilitators

Exploration and release of any evangelistic or dogmatic thoughts that arouse post-ceremony (i.e. "I'm now on the most enlightened path available" or "Anyone not on this path is missing out on their own awakening" or "Everyone needs to try this,") guidance on how to be at peace with not doing medicine work, fostering an understanding that there are many sacred modalities available for us to evolve as human beings, and medicine-work is but one of those methods (and not necessarily the right or best path for everyone) 

I was once told by the medicine, "You must learn to let go of everything! Even the authority of Divine Revelation!" I'm still working on that.



Sign up below for a complimentary 10-minute call during which I'll answer any questions you have about my offerings.
After that, if we feel we'd be a good fit, we'll move forward and schedule our first session.

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